Prepare Your Ministry’s Website for the Fall Season

With children returning to school and families resume routines, it’s important that your ministry’s website is updated and ready to welcome people to your ministry’s worship services and events.

Let us walk you through the key updates your ministry’s website may need before fall arrives.

Getting Started

Here are key considerations for reviewing the content on your ministry’s website. While not exhaustive, this list serves as a starting point to ensure the most important and frequently visited sections are up to date.A graphic of a computer screen in blue and pink with a broom in front of the screen.

Worship Schedule & Time

The first – and arguably the most important – item to review on your ministry’s website is the worship service schedule. Service times often change during the summer, so it’s essential to ensure all listed times across your website are accurate and consistent.

This is also a good time to make sure that your worship service schedule is prominently displayed for new visitors. Key locations to feature your service times include the homepage, a dedicated worship service page, and the footer at the bottom of your website.

Upcoming Events

Another key section of any website, especially a ministry’s, is the calendar of events. Start by verifying that all worship events are correctly scheduled and displayed with the accurate date and time.

Next, add upcoming events for the first month or two of fall. This proactive step not only helps your ministry stay organized, but also allows members to plan ahead for events they want to attend. As you update the calendar, watch for any incorrect information.

If your ministry hasn’t done so already, consider categorizing and color-coding events on the calendar. This will make it easier for visitors to find events of interest and keep the calendar looking organized and user-friendly.

Sermons & Newsletters

A picture of a keyboard and an open Bible with a closed Bible on top with headphones on the Bible as if it was wearing it. As fall approaches, it’s a great time to ensure that your ministry’s website is up-to-date with the latest sermons, newsletters, and other publications.

If the most recent sermon or newsletter available for download is from April, March, or even earlier, now is the perfect time to upload your July or August content.

If your website doesn’t currently feature these items, the last few weeks of August offer a great opportunity to start. This will give you time to fine-tune everything before the busy fall season begins. At Worship Times, we provide custom tools that make publishing your sermons, newsletters, and other materials a breeze!

Social Media Links

Social media is one of the fastest-growing industries worldwide, and it’s essential for your ministry’s website to include links to all of your social media accounts. Take a moment to check your website—are all your social media accounts easily accessible? If not, adding social media icons is a quick and simple task.

Now is also a great time to assess how your ministry is using social media. It’s not just about posting content; it’s about building a community that engages with and shares your message. As summer winds down, it’s never too late to launch a new campaign to revitalize and grow your social media community! Not sure where to start? Check out this blog post for some tips!

Cleaning Up Old Content

As you refresh your website for the fall, it’s the perfect opportunity to clean up outdated content. Consider removing pages related to past events, like vacation Bible school or summer retreats, until they’re relevant again next year.

Maintaining a clean, updated website demonstrates to both new and returning visitors that you value their experience and are committed to making it easy for them to learn about and engage with your ministry. A well-organized site reflects the care and attention you put into your community!

Partner with Worship Times

At Worship Times, we understand that keeping your website up to date can be a big task. If your ministry could use some extra support, we’re here to help. Whether you need a brand-new website design, social media management, or even a dedicated team member to join your communications efforts, we’ve got you covered.

Reach out to us today—we’re just a click away and ready to assist you!

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