What is Cloudflare and Why We Use It

What is Cloudflare and Why We Use It

A graphic with a WWW world in the center with lines cascading from the top and landing on question marks.Cloudflare is a service that provides DNS management and additional layers of security for websites. We started using Cloudflare as early adopters because it allows us to manage DNS settings without needing access to where a domain is parked. This is important because it gives each client full control over their own domain, while we, as web developers, can still manage their site’s security and performance.

Why is Cloudflare Important?

  • Domain Ownership and Control: Cloudflare is great as it gives clients the ability to retain ownership of their domain names and can manage them through their own accounts. This prevents situations where a company might secure a domain and prevent the client from transferring it away, losing control over their domain and the associated SEO, Search Engine Optimization.
  • DNS Management: We use Cloudflare to manage DNS records while clients continue to own their domain. By pointing the domain’s nameservers to Cloudflare, we can control the DNS records without taking over the domain itself.
  • Security During Hacking Events: In the event of a hacking attempt, attackers typically target a server’s IP address. With Cloudflare, we can easily change the IP address to mitigate attacks. Without Cloudflare, it would be time-consuming to contact each client and manage this manually. Instead, we can update security for all sites with the click of a button.
  • Additional Layer of Security: Cloudflare provides enhanced security, including traffic routing, firewalls, and deeper SSL certificates, which help protect sites from a variety of threats.

Need Help?

A digital code screen with lines directing in a focus on the shape of a padlock, representing security.If you ever need assistance with Cloudflare, to authenticate your website or anotehr task, please contact us at support@worshiptimes.org or through your support portal.

Access and Permissions

Cloudflare is required for each Worship Times website. We can grant access to end users, such as your IT team or others who need it. However, we ask that you avoid modifying records that shouldn’t be touched. We’re here to help whenever you need it.

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