How to Add a YouTube Channel for Your Church Website (you want to do this)

Graphic with one large and three small YouTube video icons and text that reads, "How to add a YouTube channel for your church website."In the ever-evolving digital landscape, having a YouTube channel for your church is becoming an essential enhancement for your ministry website. In this post, we’ll explore why a YouTube channel is indispensable for your ministry’s outreach and how you can easily add a dynamic video feed to your website and show off your most recent videos.

YouTube, as a platform, has experienced consistent growth and maturity over the years. As of today, it boasts over 1.8 billion logged-in users, illustrating the vast potential audience that your church can reach. Creating a YouTube channel for your church opens the door to a global congregation, extending your ministry’s reach far beyond the physical confines of your local community.

YouTube is also a powerful tool for church visibility. As the world’s second-largest search engine, YouTube is a standard go-to for individuals learning about faith or searching for a church community. By having an active channel, you increase the chances of these seekers finding your church, offering them a glimpse into your services, values, and community.

In the below video, Michael will walk you through the steps to getting your YouTube channel feed added to your website.

Additional Resources

An article from Google on how to set up your YouTube Channel:
How to setup a YouTube channel

Google Developer Console Link for setting up your API Key:
Google Developer Console

Blog post from Smashballoon on setting up your first YouTube connection:
Setting up your first YouTube connection

An example of our YouTube Feed in action with our partners, Trinity Presbyterian Church:
Trinity Presbyterian Church

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