Micro Marketing: What Is It, and Why Your Church Should Take Note

Picture of a desk with a plant, books, writing utensils, and an iron, ironing a sheet of paper with text "Marketing Strategy." Thanks to the world of digital marketing today, marketing efforts can be fine tuned and directed at specific subsets of a population on behalf of a company. You no longer need to send out that one newspaper ad, or cold call a list of people in the phone book, with hopes of resonating with just a few consumers. Now you can set parameters based on a variety of demographics, such as age, sex, location, socioeconomic income, likes/dislikes, and the list goes on.

Micro Marketing

With this kind of information, small to medium-sized business can pursue what’s called micro marketing. Aptly named due to the size of the receivers, micro marketing simply refers to marketing on a smaller scale. Businesses or marketing professionals will identify a smaller group of people that have been specifically selected based on a number of factors.

With this much research put into the end receiver, businesses are able to guarantee a higher return on their marketing investment, which is why micro marketing is growing in popularity today.

What does micro marketing look like in practice?

  1. Defining the Target Group: The business in question must first identify the target group by a specific set of characteristics. This is generally applicable to businesses practicing local marketing. With the target group, they can guarantee, for example, that they are reaching every 25-year-old female in a town with 10,000 people. It’s far more effective than catch-all marketing campaigns.
  2. Tailoring the Marketing Material: If your target group is millennial women, then you are going to want to tailor marketing material towards millennial women. That means topics like marriage, starting a family, investing in all natural skincare and beauty products, and so forth and worth consideration.
  3. Constantly Generated Content: Consumers expect more out of brands today, which is why micro marketing generally involves a few waves of ads that will slowly turn the target receiver into a loyal, returning customer. Once you have achieved that feat, consumers will follow along with the brand for years on end.

Micro marketing works for any kind of organization, business, or entity, which is why so many churches are considering church micro marketing for their outreach efforts today.

Why Should Your Church Care?

Churches come with a unique set of parameters as far as their marketing is concerned. Although they can send out marketing campaigns that reach out of their town’s boundaries, generally, churches are trying to capture people that will drive to church every Sunday. This means that people outside of a 40-50-mile radius probably aren’t going to come. Additionally, churches don’t want to continually market to an individual that is proudly affiliated with another church congregation at that time.

Churches want to be able to hone in on the right segments at the right now.

Here are just a few benefits of leveraging micro marketing in your church outreach:

  • More bang for your buck: Although it technically costs more to target a smaller group of people, studies have shown that the payoff is worth it. By specifically setting parameters related to your church, you know that you are targeting likely candidates that will consider stopping by and getting to know your congregation.
  • Spend less time marketing: With your per-defined targeted groups, you can now spend less time worrying about your marketing woes and how you are going to increase the number of attendees at your church.
  • Target younger people: Churches are constantly looking for new ways to bring in young people. They and their families are the future of the church. There is no better place to find young people than through micro targeted ads, right online.
  • Measure your results: With such tiny targeted groups, you can easily look at your marketing analytics and make adjustments until you start to really tug on the right heartstrings. There is nothing left to mystery by the time it’s all said and done.

Worship Times

Picture of three women's hands pointing at one laptop screen. Here at Worship Times, we don’t believe funneling loads of money into catch-all online ads is the way to go anymore. We leverage a church micro influencing approach to ensure your marketing dollars are targeting the right individuals, every single time. We’re here to help you grow the size and participation of your congregation, which starts with expertly curated and developed micro marketing content and campaigns today.

Ready to get started? Our team has tens of years of experience in mass communication and marketing to take your church’s micro marketing campaign to the next level. Contact us today!

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