Old Stuff, New Stuff

A picture of several brooms upright on a patch of grass.

Time to do some cleaning

As the rate of support requests increases at Worship Times, we can tell summer is winding down for our member ministries. Vacations are ending, Fall programs kick-offs are on the horizon, and people are looking to clean up their websites. This is a perfect time to kick off our end-of-summer blog series on reviewing your websites.

Perhaps you have a dedicated staff member or volunteer who keeps your website up-to-date on a weekly or monthly basis. But even if you do, there are some things it is good to do on a yearly basis to keep your site looking fresh and welcoming.

The biggest thing we see when we review church websites is old information or pictures. Even if you are updating your announcements, events and sermon media each week, you may not be looking at many of the other pages in your site that often. This is a great time to take a deep dive to see if anything needs to be updated, deleted or added. Staff pages, education and mission pages, long-term events are all areas to check out to update bios, pictures, meeting places and times, curriculum information, etc.

Pay attention to the pictures throughout the site. If you are using pictures of children, especially, ones that are a couple years old are already severely out-of-date. Preschoolers are now 3rd-graders, 3rd-graders are middle schoolers, and your confirmation class could be in college.

If you have any new staff, new classes, new sermon series or new members, you want people to know about them. Make sure you are not hiding these things under a bushel basket, but let them shine!

One more thing, if you have any new staff or volunteers working on your website, or any staff or volunteer changes that affect the website, and who we need to contact at your ministry, please let us know. We want to update our own records, and offer any assistance we can as people get familiarized with your Worship Times website.

Simply looking at these areas of your website once a year will prevent old information from confusing visitors, or causing them to think that your programs are as outdated as your website. A quick look once a year can save a lot of work down the road.

Next week: Let’s look at organization.

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