4th Commandment for Church Websites

2014 Worship Leaders Magazine Graphic Logo for their editors pick.The team at Worship Times is dedicated to empowering congregations developing their church websites and digital presence. On November 1 Worship Times was named one of Worship Leader Magazine’s Editor’s Pick for web development (read more here). So for the next couple of weeks we will be presenting what we consider to be the 10 Commandments for Church Websites. If you have further questions or want to learn more about Worship Times, please feel free to email us.


4th Commandment for Church Websites:

Thou shalt keep it short

It’s tempting to want everything that can be on a website on your website, but it’s better to focus on a few things. Simple, brief, and streamlined is better than cluttered, long, and clunky especially on the homepage.

3. Thou shalt use pictures that show thy community in action

2. Thou shalt be on thy website who God is calling thou to be in the world

1. Thou shalt put needed info right up front

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