News and Announcements

By hosting news and announcements on the church website, information is easily accessible to all members, regardless of their location or ability to attend services in person. This ensures that everyone has equal access to important updates and communications from the church.

Integrating news and announcements into your church website offers numerous benefits:

  • Communication: News and announcements keep church members informed about upcoming events, activities, and changes within the church community. This fosters transparency and ensures everyone is on the same page.
  • Engagement: Regularly updated news and announcements encourage members to stay engaged with the life of the church. They provide opportunities for involvement in ministries, events, and service opportunities, fostering a sense of belonging and participation.
  • Promotion of Events: News and announcements serve as a platform for promoting upcoming events, programs, and initiatives. They help generate excitement and anticipation among members and encourage attendance and participation in church activities.
  • Visitor Information: News and announcements can provide helpful information for visitors, such as service times, location, parking details, and contact information. This assists newcomers in navigating the church and understanding what to expect when they attend.
  • Community Building: News and announcements create a sense of community by sharing stories, testimonies, and updates about the lives of church members. They celebrate milestones, accomplishments, and special occasions, fostering connections and relationships within the church family.
  • Mission and Outreach: News and announcements can highlight the ministry’s mission and outreach efforts, sharing stories of impact and opportunities for involvement in local and global ministries. They inspire members to engage in acts of service and compassion, fulfilling the church’s mission to love and serve others.
  • Feedback and Input: News and announcements provide a channel for feedback, suggestions, and input from church members. They can invite responses, comments, and questions, facilitating dialogue and communication between church leadership and the congregation.

Let worship Times help your ministry communicate your news and announcements to help your members and visitors find the information they need.

News and Announcements, Ideal For

Ministry Website Packages

The Standard
$67 a Month
$ 4,700
Perfect for growing ministries
Everything you need to reach your community
  • Choose From Amazing Designs
  • Live Stream Embeds
  • Standard Forms
  • Standard Events Management
  • Social Media Embeds
  • AMAZING Support
  • See The Full Features List Below
Get Started
The Custom
100% of What YOU Want
$ ...?
Choose Your Own Adventure
No project too big or small
  • Pick Only What You Want
  • Custom Development
  • Custom Programing
  • Custom Design
  • Unique Logos
  • Print Design
  • No Limitations
  • Choose Anything From The Full Features List Below
Get Started

Used by These Amazing Ministries

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Easy Form Builder

Create and edit your forms with ease, using our drag and drop form builder. Create donation forms, registration forms, contact form, and just about any kind of form you can envision. All without needing to know any code.


Online Giving has become an extremely important component for the life of your congregation during this time of social distancing. Making it as easy as possible for parishioners to continue to give tithes and offerings is essential.

Digital Signatures

A digital signature field allows users to electronically sign a form using their mouse, stylus, or touchscreen. This feature is particularly useful for applications where a signature is required. They provide a way to ensure the authenticity and integrity of digital documents.

Form Add Ons

There are several add-ons available for Gravity Forms that extend its functionality and allow you to integrate with other services or enhance form features.


You can design custom surveys tailored to your specific needs, whether for event feedback, time and talent surveys, or anything you need to gather from your ministry members.


ECommerce solutions can significantly enhance your website’s capabilities, creating custom forms tailored specifically for online transactions.


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