
With every new Worship Times partner, we provide direct online training, customized to your website and your needs. At the end of a project, we meet with you and your team to go over your entire website and how to edit it, and we record the whole thing, so if anyone can’t make it or if you get a new team member, you can easily share the video with them.

As you live into your new website, your staff, leadership, and volunteers may change. We can help with that transition by providing any new website admins with a free training. There’s also a set of “Getting Started” videos that are very helpful for anyone new that comes on board.

And while our support is available to answer your questions at any time, if you need more in-depth training, we have a large swath of documentation that contains both video tutorials and written instructions. If you can’t find something, if something is out-of-date, or if something is missing entirely, just let us know – we’re happy to add to it any time!

But sometimes you just need direct one-on-one video help – we can do that, too! Over the years, some partners have opted to do longer, more in-depth trainings over time. Shadowing has also become quite popular, where you watch us perform specific tasks on your website, or we watch you and guide you as you work.

Everyone learns differently, and we’re here to help! Let us know what works best for you, and we’ll make it happen.

Training, Ideal For

Ministry Website Packages

The Standard
$67 a Month
$ 4,700
Perfect for growing ministries
Everything you need to reach your community
  • Choose From Amazing Designs
  • Live Stream Embeds
  • Standard Forms
  • Standard Events Management
  • Social Media Embeds
  • AMAZING Support
  • See The Full Features List Below
Get Started
The Custom
100% of What YOU Want
$ ...?
Choose Your Own Adventure
No project too big or small
  • Pick Only What You Want
  • Custom Development
  • Custom Programing
  • Custom Design
  • Unique Logos
  • Print Design
  • No Limitations
  • Choose Anything From The Full Features List Below
Get Started

Used by These Amazing Ministries

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Easy Form Builder

Create and edit your forms with ease, using our drag and drop form builder. Create donation forms, registration forms, contact form, and just about any kind of form you can envision. All without needing to know any code.


Online Giving has become an extremely important component for the life of your congregation during this time of social distancing. Making it as easy as possible for parishioners to continue to give tithes and offerings is essential.

Digital Signatures

A digital signature field allows users to electronically sign a form using their mouse, stylus, or touchscreen. This feature is particularly useful for applications where a signature is required. They provide a way to ensure the authenticity and integrity of digital documents.

Form Add Ons

There are several add-ons available for Gravity Forms that extend its functionality and allow you to integrate with other services or enhance form features.


You can design custom surveys tailored to your specific needs, whether for event feedback, time and talent surveys, or anything you need to gather from your ministry members.


ECommerce solutions can significantly enhance your website’s capabilities, creating custom forms tailored specifically for online transactions.


Our publication tool can significantly enhance your productivity and help you stay on top of your documents, resources, and media files.

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